

Never put foundation on your eyelids as a base, it will bring about your eye cosmetics to wrinkle. 

Utilize your fingers to apply your foundation on the off chance that you need sheer scope and a brush on the off chance that you more cleaned, medium to full scope. 

Continuously apply powder where you are shiniest to start with, which it more often than not your T-zone, with a light cleaning all over else. 

You ought to put bronzer on your neck, face, and mid-section to try and out your skin tone. Make certain to step back and ensure everything is the same shading. 

At the point when applying become flushed, first grin, then begin on the apple of the cheek, mix the redden back towards the highest point of the ear, then down toward the jawline. 

Continuously apply your forehead pencil or powder to the upper part of the eyebrow to lift your face up. 

You need to ensure your lipstick is not very characterized at your cupid's bow (the highest point of your lip), and that it goes such a distance out to the internal corners of your mouth. Make certain to press down hard as you apply. 

Continuously begin with a base shadow with no gleam that matches the lightest skin tone all over and apply everywhere on your top up to the temples. You ought to utilize this base shadow to ensure the darker shadows utilized on your top up to the wrinkle are appropriately mixed. 

Rather than looking straight ahead at the mirror, get as near it as could reasonably be expected, stick your head up and bring your button toward the mirror. You need to look down as you apply, beginning at the inward corner and making a point to go such a distance out to the fold on the outside of the eye.

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